
PowerPoint Solved Questions

Microsoft PowerPoint Questions for Interview and Examination 

Includes Short Questions and Multiple Choice Questions

Short Questions about Microsoft PowerPoint

1. Define the PowerPoint software.
PowerPoint is a Microsoft Office application that can help you create a professional, computerized slide show presentation. Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 can illustrate your ideas, using slides, outlines, speaker’s notes, and audience handouts.
2. Define the presentation.
A presentation is the process of presenting a topic to an audience. It is typically a demonstration, introduction, lecture, or speech meant to inform, convince, or build good will.
3. What are the contents of a presentation?
A presentation can include text, drawn graphics, clip art, photographs, tables, and charts. Presentations can also include features such as Flash animation files, link to websites, sound or movie clips.
4. Define the PowerPoint presentation.
A PowerPoint presentation is a presentation created using Microsoft PowerPoint software. The presentation is a collection of individual slides that contain information on a topic. PowerPoint presentations are commonly used in business meetings and for training and educational purposes.
5. How PowerPoint presentations can be viewed?
PowerPoint presentations are viewed using a computer and monitor. Presentations are usually shown to an audience using a projector on a screen.
6. Define the Slide.
A slide is a single screen or page of a presentation and every presentation is composed of several slides.
7. Define the Slide & Outline Tabs.
The Slides tab shows thumbnail images of your slides, allowing you to rearrange and hide slides and view set transitions as you work. 
8. Define the Slide Panel.
            This panel is where you enter the content of your slides.
9. Define the Notes Panel.
This is where you can enter notes. You can go to the View tab and select Notes Page for longer notes.
10. Define the View Buttons of PowerPoint Program.
These three buttons include the Normal view, the Slide Sorter, which allows you to shuffle your slides, and the Slide Show, which shows the slides
as if you were presenting.
11. What is keyboard shortcut to insert new slide?
      Ctrl + M is keyboard shortcut to insert new slide.
12. Define the slide layout.
Slide layout refers to design and placement of different elements on a slide. It contains formatting, positioning, and placeholders for all of the content that appears on a slide.
13. What are the placeholders?
Placeholders are the containers in layouts that hold such content as text (including body text, bulleted lists, and titles), tables, charts, Smart Art graphics, movies, sounds, pictures, and clip art.
14. Define the slide show.
A slide show is a presentation of a series of PowerPoint slides on a projection screen or electronic display device. These slides arranged in sequence that contain text and images for presenting to an audience. 
15. What is keyboard shortcut to start a slide show from first slide?
       F5 is keyboard shortcut to start a slide show from first slide.
16. What is keyboard shortcut to start a slide show from current slide?
       Shift + F5 is keyboard shortcut to start a slide show from first slide
17. What are navigation keys to move forward to next slide?
            The Page down, Right arrow key, Down arrow key, Spacebar or Enter are navigation keys to move forward to next slide.
18. What are navigation keys to move back to previous slide?
The Press Page up, Left arrow key, Up arrow key are navigation keys to move back to previous slide.
19. What is shortcut key to exit the slide show?
            The Esc (Escape) key is used as a shortcut to exit the slide show anytime.
20. Define the Slide Transition.
A slide transition is how one slide is removed from the screen and the next slide is displayed during a presentation. For example, a fade transition can be used to fade in or out of each picture in a slide show. A "wipe" moves the next slide onto the first either horizontally, vertically, in a circle.
21. What is slide animation?
Predefined special visual effects applied to individual items on a slide or to an entire slide in presentation software is called animation. These effects can be applied to text, images, clipart, charts and Smart Art in a slide.

Multiple Choice Questions About Microsoft PowerPoint for Examination

1. PowerPoint is type of ________________ software.
    a. application                 b. system               c. custom built                d. utility
2. PowerPoint is part of _________________.
    a. Apple iwork                 b. Word Perfect Office             c. Microsoft Office          
    d. None of these
3. MS PowerPoint is used to create ________________.
    a. document                            b. presentation                           c. drawing                         
    d. account sheet
4. PowerPoint presentations are widely used for ________________.
    a. lecture delivering                                       b. project presentations               
    c. communication of planning                       d. All of above
5. A presentation can include _________________.
    a. text                                    b. graphics                              c. tables & charts              
    d. all of these
6. A presentation can be viewed using ________________.
    a. a big monitor                        b. a laptop screen                       c. a projector                   
    d. all of these
7. A new presentation can be created from ___________________.
    a. blank presentation                              b. from existing presentation                
    c. from design template                         d. All of above
8. What is keyboard shortcut to insert a new slide in a presentation?
    a. Ctrl + S                b. Ctrl + M                 c. Ctrl + N                 d. Ctrl + P
9. To start slide show of a presentation form first slide the ______________
    shortcut key is used.
    a. F5                    b. F1                    c. Ctrl + F5                    d. None of these
10. To start the slide show from current slide the ______________ shortcut
       key is used.
      a. Ctrl + F5                  b. Shift + F5                   c. Alt + F5                  d. F5
11. To exit the slide show anytime, the _______________ key is used.
      a. Esc                      b. Enter                       c. Spacebar                       d. Tab
12. To move forward to next slide, the _______________ key is used.
      a. Enter                    b. Spacebar                   c. Right & Down Arrow keys              
      d. All of these
13. To move back to previous slide, the _______________ key is used.
      a. Page up                     b. Left Arrow key                   c. Up Arrow keys                     
      d. All of these
14. The ______________ shows thumbnail images of your slides.
      a. Slide Panel                  b. Slide & Outline Tab                    c. Notes Panel     
      d. None of these
15. The panel where you can enter notes about slides is known as _________.
      a. Notes Panel                         b. Slide Panel                        c. Outline tab               
      d. None of these
16. The view, which allows you to shuffle your slides.
      a. Normal View                     b. Slide Show                  c. Slide Sorter View             
      d. None of these
17. To save a previously saved presentation with different name, type and in a
      different location, the ______________ command is used.
      a. Save                    b. Save As                   c. Save To                  d. Save In
18. Placeholders are the containers in layouts that hold the contents as ______.
      a. Text/Tables                   b. Movies/Sound                     c. Charts/Pictures               
      d. All of these
19. Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are known as?
      a. transition                           b. effects                         c. custom animations                   
      d. annotations
20. To print PowerPoint presentation, press ________________.
      a. Ctrl + A                  b. Ctrl + B                  c. Ctrl + C               d. Ctrl + P
21. The first slide in presentation is usually a ________________.
      a. Table slide                      b. Blank slide                      c. Title slide                    
      d. Comparison slide 
22. To open the existing presentation, press ________________.
       a. Ctrl + A                 b. Ctrl + O                c. Ctrl + N                d. Ctrl + L

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